Rousey vs. Correia | Best Moments

Rousey vs. Correia | Best Moments

Fights like this, and all the smoke be blown up her ass, made Ronda confident in her standup.
In reality, her ground game was ACTUALLY next level, and was amazing to watch on her rise.

Watching this video, what struck me the most is what an awesome human being Mike Tyson has become since he overcame his demons. May his legend live long and remain an inspiration to all fighters and non fighters alike.

She was dominant for a long time. Fighting the best all the time as a champion is tough. Eventually the next thing comes along. The ladies fighting today owe a lot to her for paving the way.

This knockout win was Ronda’s downfall. Her coach brainwashed her into thinking her striking was the best and then she got this KO. If she just grappled Amanda Nunes and Holm there’s no way she would’ve lost. Ronda walked blindly into clean shots from both of them and didn’t get dropped. There’s no way she would’ve gotten dropped by avoiding punches and shooting for takedowns and clinches etc

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