Today, we came to know about a mama cat who was abandoned by her owner recently. She started living in a park, and a few days back, she gave birth to five kittens. She used to find food in the park and kept her babies hidden, but unluckily, an incident happened recently which caused her to lose one baby! Upon trying to rescue her, she showed her aggression as if we’d steal her kittens! What happened to the cat’s baby will leave you in shock because we, too, couldn’t believe when we came to know first! Watch the complete video to know what happened to her baby! Could we rescue them all? Make sure to subscribe to watch more videos! Thanks for watching!
Poor Ashley! Just when she needed her humans the most, they put her out on the street to have her babies and try to raise them alone. No wonder she lost her faith and trust in our kind. The sad fact is that whilst domestic cats are fierce predators of small rodents, they themselves are small enough to fall prey to larger hunters, such as feral dogs and birds of prey. It’s a lucky mother cat who manages to raise her kittens to the point where she has to drive them off because the next litter is on its way. Ashley might have had an instinctive awareness of the dangers eagles might pose to her babies, but she would never, ever have dreamed whilst with her former owners, that such things were horribly real. The fact so many birds of prey were circling over the bushes said they knew exactly where the two remaining kittens were. Kitten 3 had a very, very lucky escape: eagles sink their talons straight in, so 3 was merely bowled over by a hasty bird. It’s very difficult to remain objective and not vilify the birds: they were, after all, merely looking for food, just like everything else in this world. No, the true villains are the humans who put Ashley out on the street just when she needed them most!
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Thanks hands also to begood dad for them do t worry we do something but only for animal lovers shhhh we watch how they do things