Two dying kittens lay on the warm ground, no one could hear them faintly crying for help.
That poor mama cat looks like a kitten herself. That may explain her behavior. She needs a mom as much as her kittens do. Very heartwarming when the other cat welcomed her and showed affection. She immediately calmed down and wasn’t scared anymore.
hank you for rescuing the entire family and keeping them together!! a couple suggestions that would greatly improve how comfortable the cats & kittens who are new feel:
1)cages with COVERS on each cage with one side left uncovered for entry and exiting…this helps calm them and give them a sense of greater security especially when new and learning to adjust,
2) bring a bottle of water WITH you whenever you leave the house for these instances where the cat is dehydrated and in DESPERATE NEED of water Immediately…a tongue out usually signifies need for water or high stress,
& 3) if a cat has ringworm, EVEN IF treated, I highly suggest NOT letting other cats lick or clean the infected cat until at LEAST a few days AFTER treatment has been given…even when treated, it can take a couple days for the medication to fully work and make them safe to be with others or licked or groomed by other cats.medications are amazing when used correctly and when the medication has had enough time to really take affect…but they are not as good when there’s not enough time given before they fully absorb and are processed throughout the can lead to others getting ringworm as well.and if a topical medication like a cream, you risk the medication being cleaned OFF the cat if another cat grooms or licks that area.that can also lead to the other cat to become sick from ingesting the medication also, so really bad idea to let a cat with ringworm anywhere near other cats until better.
Other than these three things i think you do wonderful work by helping and so kindly caring for all these cats and kittens. You are a blessing to each cat you save,thank you and keep doing what you do…it’s truly worth it.️